The Little Prince

you find yourself walking in a snowy, blistering landscape. the icy cold numbs your paws. you feel your teeth chatter, echoing in your skull. it doesn't quite drown out the harsh, screeching winds that constantly whip powdery snow in your face. you can't remember a time where you were warm; the sun seems so far away from this you walk, something hits your paw and jolts you back to reality. it's ivory-colored, tinged red at certain points, but you know what it is the moment you look at it. it's a feline skull.

you reach down to inspect it, but a pinprick of claws in your shoulder makes you yowl and stumble backwards. you whirl around to face a small, fluffy cat hissing at you. blood drips down your shoulder. the stranger notices and grins, licking his paw, claws still unsheathed. there seem to be far too many of them on that paw, but he sheathed his claws and puts his paw back in the snow before you confirm what you're seeing isn't just a ask his name. he spits, and informs you that he is prince. and that you're lucky he didn't kill ask where he's from. he grins, a murderously gleeful glint in his eye, and proudly says...

the crown

"get out of my way, or your skull will decorate my den."

prince ♔ cis male, he/him ♔ 19 moons ♔ aromantic asexual

Prince has been Claw to the Crown since he can remember. One of his earliest memories is being marked by the previous Crown. It's a moment he takes great pride in, as he considers it the true beginning of his life. He trained under several different cats, learning the ways of the Atari while learning how to lead them.He despises dissent, quelling any hint of rebellion. When faced with disrespect, he doesn't hesitate to use claws to reinforce why he is the Claw of the Crown and not anyone else. It is his role by birthright, yes, but Prince firmly believes he is the only one able to do it.He ascended to the Crown just two moons ago, when the former Crown died without an heir. Hence why his scar is so fresh. When facing the Spirits, Prince was commended for his independence and told to make the Atari a force to reckon with. Bolstered by this approval, Prince has been extra harsh as of late.He is distrustful, suspicious, and ruthless. Prince is a fan of particularly gruesome punishments. He dislikes exile, as he believes it gives the unworthy a chance. Many cats silently mourn the loss of his mother; though she was equally as ruthless, she at least trusted her own cats. Prince, however, does not hesitate to rip out the tongues of anyone he deems a dissenter or a traitor.


Prince did not hesitate to implement his new ideas the Crown was passed to him. He gave the Atari one day to mourn, and that was far more than generous in his eyes. He thought the group as far too soft and lenient. Prince would rather be caught dead than lead a subpar group.

Spiritual Approval: This new tradition is aimed towards Claws and Trappers who have proven themselves to be above and beyond their peers. The standards are very high, so this tradition does not happen often.If Prince or the Claw of the Crown decide that a cat is worthy, they are to be taken to the Glimmerall to speak with the Spirits. Prince and the Claw of the Crown tell the spirits why this cat is worthy, often describing in detail what their accomplishments have been. The Spirits then communicate amongst themselves and decide whether or not the cat is truly worthy. If they are not, nothing happens. But, if they are, they are given a new title. Trappers become Hounds, and Claws become Talons. They are then marked by the Spirits, typically a small scar across the bridge of the nose.These are simply social ranks and hold no true significance, but are often respected by their peers. Prince himself has a tendency to let these Hounds and Talons in on plans, and takes their advice seriously. More often than not, they lead patrols and are in charge of many cats.

the claw of the crown

"one day, i will ascend. and then, the atari will be unstoppable."

prince ♔ cis male, he/him ♔ 19 moons ♔ aromantic asexual

Prince has been Claw to the Crown since he can remember. One of his earliest memories is being marked by the previous Crown. It's a moment he takes great pride in, as he considers it the true beginning of his life. He trained under several different cats, learning the ways of the Atari while learning how to lead them.He despises dissent, quelling any hint of rebellion. When faced with disrespect, he doesn't hesitate to use claws to reinforce why he is the Claw of the Crown and not anyone else. It is his role, and Prince firmly believes he is the only one able to do it.His greatest dream is to ascend to the role of the Crown. He has considered killing the current Crown before, but is smart enough to realize that that could have drastic consequences. Besides, he was chosen to be the Claw of the Crown for a reason. As much as he wants ti lead, he also wants to keep the trust of the group.He is distrustful, suspicious, and ruthless. He often suggests gruesome punishments for dissenters and betrayers. His ultimate goal is to lead a strong, formidable group.

the claw

"cats like you are the reason the atari isn't feared like we should be."

prince ♔ cis male, he/him ♔ 19 moons ♔ aromantic asexual

Prince has wanted to be a Crown practically since the day he was born. He knows, in his bones, he was born to lead, not to follow. However, as the moons passed and he was never chosen to be the Claw of the Crown despite his hard work, resentment began to brew. Never to the point of outright rebellion, as he was undyingly loyal to the Atari. But to the point where he is willing to challenge any decisions he believes are idiotic.He despises weakness. The Atari, in his mind, should be known and feared all around. He does what he can to ruthlessly train the Initiates to be like him; tough, aggressive, and formidable.Prince looks down on the Trappers, scoffing as they only hunt. He firmly believes that anyone not contributing to the group with their claws and teeth is weak. Prince himself knows hwo to hunt, and does so often to prove himself. He does also have a tendency to pick fights, as he is loud and opinionated.Overall, Prince is a loyal, strong Claw. He is a force to be reckoned with. His goal is to ensure that everyone fears him and the Atari.


cis male, he/him
19 moons
aromantic asexual

Prince may be brash, but he is not arrogant. He knows exactly what he is doing, and has the skills to back up his words. He is suspicious and distrustful, but not quite paranoid. (Not yet, at least. Though things may change when a certain fishy Clan enters the picture...) He works himself to the bone, often training solo because he doesn't believe others can keep up. All in all he is fiercely independent, but also fiercely loyal to the Atari and would rather lay down his life than give up.

Purrks:Shadow Fiend - One with the night, Prince is known throughout the Atari for his attacks from seemingly nowhere. He emerges from shadows you didn't even know were there.
Silver Tongue - Despite his attitude and opinions, you can't help but feel compelled to listen to and even consider what comes out of Prince's mouth. Even with the most absurd things. How does he do that?
Just A Scratch - Prince's endurance in battle is breathtaking. He can go from dismembering one enemy to another no matter how many small wounds he earns. You feel a chill run down your spine.
Beefed Up - Some cats swear they've seen him take on a Long Fang once and live to tell the tale with only a scratch on his ear. Prince has never denied these rumors, only smiles and walks away.

Fun Facts:- Prince is polydactyly. The more claws you have, the better you can wound your enemies.
- Prince's mother almost named him Spider because of this. Prince despises the idea.
- Prince sees no value in love or relationships. They simply make a cat weaker and give them more to lose. He despises losing.

disclaimer: this section is mainly for the rc hr team. there's not a lot i can do to stop you if you're not a rc hr, but this section is for them!

my activity: currently, my post count is down because i've just gotten off of hiatus and have to work a week full-time. i've temporarily stepped back from wco in order to not fully burn myself out. after this week (6/15), my goal is to make at least 1-3 posts per day in order to ease back into roleplay. if considered for a "high rank", (and this is a very heavy if), i will be very happy to rearrange things to step up activity! however, all things considered, i will not be able to do things alone. in the past, i have struggled with taking on too much. if chosen, i will be fully utilizing discord/wco for constant communication, and may need assistance while i'm at work. all in all, i'm very excited for the chance to be able to tackle a challenge like this if chosen! and if not, i'm equally as excited to roleplay prince as a claw and see where his story goes :) thank you!